Join me as I explore what it means to live life as the most fully expressed version of yourself and how to go about doing so.

Throughout the past 10 years, I have evolved many times. I went from wearing a wig to cover my hair loss to walking boldly and proudly as bald woman. I went from believing that success looked like my job in corporate consulting and living for the weekend to redefining my own version of success - a life of fulfillment, flexibility, and happiness every day. I went from thinking that my purpose was solely to empower women to believing with my whole heart that my purpose is actually to liberate the entire world from its limited views on masculinity and how men should be.

In every new chapter, I’ve taken steps closer and closer to becoming the most fully expressed version of myself. It is my passion to help other people, especially men, to do the same.

To be Fully Expressed is to be free of the boxes that society puts men and women in to. It’s to be free of the chains of the “shoulds,” the “have tos,” and the “ughhhhs.” And it’s to be living in alignment with what is most authentic to you.

It is freedom. It is power. It is the highest level of self-love. And I hope that these conversations on the podcast support everyone in creating their most fully expressed lives.

Listen to the latest episode on Apple and Spotify: